Ambulatory Surgery Centers
We offer visits 2, 3, 4 (or more) annual visit rate plans. We maintain professionalism, courtesy and emphasize COMPLIANCE. Our rates are reasonable, however being out of compliance may lead to greater costs in the future. Our phones and lines of communication are always open to answer any questions.

Chart Audits
During a site visit, at least 10 charts will be reviewed for compliance. Some focus areas include:
Anesthesia Documentation
Discharge Summaries

Medication Audits
During your audit, we will take a close look at areas of medication management, how your center works at preventing errors and ensures daily vigilance.
SDV vs. MDV usage
Expired/par levels of medications
Every medication is examined

We focus on tracking not only potential issues but ways to combat rising costs. Our graphs are easy to follow in wide variety of areas:
Comparitive medication cost tables

Controlled Substance Auditing
Done at each visit to examine if the Center has documentation issues or potential diversion. We examine:
DEA 222 forms
Waste of CDS
CDS documentation
Tracking of CDS at each phase

Pharmacy Policy Review
We will review your Medication Management policies and work with leadership to ensure your Center is following best practice guidelines.
Developing Confused Medication Lists
Pharmacy Policy and Procedure Manuals

Education is a significant aspect of healthcare today. We offer a variety of common topics for in-servicing your staff.
Single Dose Vials and Multi-Dose Vials
Malignant Hyperthermia
Utilization of DEA 222 forms
Medication Destruction