Helpful Information
Due to continued intermittent supply interruptions of critical drugs, FDA is allowing some products to be used beyond the manufacturer’s labeled expiration date. To help ensure patient safety, these products should have been — and should continue to be — stored as labeled.
Follow the link for step by step directions to avoid confusion and keep your Center compliant!
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a type of severe reaction that occurs in response to particular medications used during general anesthesia, among those who are susceptible. Symptoms include muscle rigidity, high fever, and a fast heart rate. Complications can include muscle breakdown and high blood potassium.
See our dedicated page for MH In-Services, Links and other helpful tools. Great for new staff at your Centers.
Ordering Controlled Substances can be a confusing task. Additionally, New Jersey state surveyors have been closely monitoring the Controlled Substance chain for potential deficient practices.
We give helpful hints, advice and directions to avoid potential pitfalls and delays in receiving your much needed medications. Our dedicated page is a helpful reference and guide...COMING SOON!