Genomic Testing Analysis
Genetic testing for medical efficacy or ‘Pharmacogenomics’ is the study of how genetics impact your body’s response to certain medications.
A DNA cheek swab is taken to analyze how genes impact the body's specific response to drugs. These results help determine whether a medication will be effective on a patient and provide guidelines for dosage.
We work with Genetic testing labs to help determine the optimal course of therapy for patients. Our interpretations simplify solutions, and help physicians quickly determine the best course of therapy. We have seen specific examples which resulted in better quality of life, decrease in nursing time, and potentially avoid law suits. Below are some examples we have come across.
Too many incident reports...
We had a patient who was experiencing numerous bruises, cuts, and bleeding episodes. The frequency was almost on a bi-weekly basis. All interventions were ineffective. The SNF staff was spending hours filling out incident and accident reports.
After genetic testing, it was determined due to the genetics of the patient, the Plavix was being super-metabolized; in other words, the bruises, bleeding, and cuts were being caused by the medication.
The medication was switched, and approved by the insurance with a copy of the genomic test. Since that point the bruising, bleeding and cuts were reduced to almost none. The genetic tests helped increase the quality of life of the patient, decrease nursing paper work, and potentially avoid future lawsuits.

The Wrong Antidepressant
Anti-depressants typically take 4 to 6 weeks to see the full desired effects. It can take another 2 to 4 weeks to see if the titrated dosage is ineffective.
By checking your DNA for certain gene variations, CYP450 tests can offer clues about how the body may respond to a particular antidepressant. CYP450 tests can also identify variations in other enzymes, such as the CYP2C19 enzyme.
We have seen numerous issues where anti-depressants with the SAME mechanism of action are not effective. With genomic testing analysis, we can avoid some delays in treatment. Once again improving Quality of Life, reducing Nursing Time and decreasing the risk for potential lawsuits.
Kidney Transplant recepients
Actionable pharmacogenomic variants are common in transplant recipients and have implications for medications used in transplant, but yet are not broadly incorporated into practice.
In a recent study, 853 kidney allograft recipients had at least one actionable pharmacogenomic diplotype/phenotype, whereas the majority (58%) had three or four actionable diplotypes/phenotypes and 17.4% had five or more.
The participants carried actionable diplotypes/phenotypes for multiple medications, including tacrolimus, azathioprine, clopidogrel, warfarin, simvastatin, voriconazole, antidepressants and proton-pump inhibitors.